Please Try This Mind Rewiring Exercise Today (And Report Back)
If you carefully examine your behavior, you’ll realize that you don’t house one version of yourself, but hundreds.
You have:
The disciplined version
The self-sabotaging version
The lazy version
The complaining version
The why it won’t work version
The stuck in the past version
The isolated version
The drunk version
The hungover version
The sleep deprived version
The sick version
The healthy version
The shy version
The confident version
The distrusting version
The angry version
The hateful version
The family version
The fearful version
The friends version
The vacation version
The partying version
The passive aggressive version
The authentic version
The everything is rigged in my favor version
The fun version
The courageous version
The future version
The loving version
The ambitious version
The determined version
The present version
And so on and so forth…
X event occurs and it instantly triggers one of your versions to come out and react to the event.
This is normally how our lives unfold.
If we identify with the right version at the right time, then we succeed in life and enjoy a pleasant existence. If we identify with the wrong version at the wrong time, then we sabotage ourselves and create a mess of a life.
So with that understood, I’m telling you this today because it’s important to not let this process happen unconsciously.
In other words:
Become more mindful of all the versions that exist inside you and start choosing the optimal one for the moment at hand (more on how to do this in just a little bit).
If you’re in business building mode, choosing the disciplined and courageous version will deliver more success than unconsciously identifying with the self-sabotaging and complaining version.
On the other hand:
If you’re hanging out with friends and family, choosing the fun and the friends/family version will deliver more enjoyment than unconsciously identifying with the work version.
Get the point?
Different moments call for different versions. If you internalize this and act accordingly, then life is very simple. When you work, you work. When you rest, you rest. When you have fun, you have fun.
But unfortunately for us, this usually isn’t what happens.
Instead: We create a mess of a life and limit our success drastically because we not only identify with the wrong version at the wrong time, but we also make it a habit of identifying with the most negative and dangerous identities of them all.
For example:
Building a six or seven or eight figure business is challenging in its own right, but trying to do it with the hungover and sleep deprived version of yourself?
Now you’re just making things infinitely harder for yourself.
Writing a piece of winning copy is challenging in its own right, but trying to write copy with the why it won’t work version leading the show?
Now you’re just making things infinitely harder for yourself.
Managing team members and delegating important tasks to others is challenging in its own right, but trying to delegate while being identified with the distrusting and nobody can do it better than me version running the show?
Now you’re just making things infinitely harder for yourself.
This is why it’s crucially important to watch yourself in order to determine what version you are meeting the moment with.
(Most people only focus on where they want to go, but completely disregard what version they’re showing up with and this is why nothing seems to change.)
Question now becomes…
How exactly do you do this?
I don’t know what will work best for you, but personally speaking I applied this idea myself by sitting down, cracking open my journal, and asking myself:
"How many versions of Tej exist?"
Then I thought through the average day and all the everyday environments I find myself in (professional/personal) and started writing down one version after the next.
Before I knew it, I had a few pages full both with positive versions of myself and also negative and destructive versions.
After I did the above, I gained a lot of insight over my past failures – both personally and professionally speaking.
In short, I could narrow down the reason to: Being identified with the wrong version of myself. Nothing less. Nothing more.
With that out of the way, I took the exercise further by doing two things:
1/ Breaking the average day into themes and assigning the best version for each period of the day
Next to each version I jotted down the characteristics that made it up, so I can see a clearer picture of exactly what that version entails.
And secondly…
2/ I also broke my most common negative versions down by characteristics so I could feed my awareness and catch myself in the future whenever I’m identified with a destructive version.
Awareness is really all it takes to break free.
With the above done, I now grew clear with exactly what version I need to become at what time of the day to maximize the moment and generate the results that I seek.
In addition:
I also grew clear about what versions I need to watch out for, so I don’t create a mess of a life by identifying with the wrong one.
(If you ever catch yourself identified with a destructive version, make it a point to take a few deep breaths, get some fresh air, center yourself back in the body and return to the present moment.)
And if you think about…
This is all you really have to do.
After all:
Right version for the moment = success
Wrong version for the moment = failure
So with all the above noted, I highly recommend you internalize this, apply the exercise, and see how it works for you?
Would love to hear about your experience (if you feel inclined to share).
Thanks for reading!
Your friend,
Want more? Check out my highest performing resources for rewiring your mind, learning high ROI skills, and building cash flowing businesses:
Tej Dosa Letter – A monthly behind-the-scenes letter containing marketing intelligence for building out a 8-figure digital ecosystem in real time.
6 Figure Promotions by copyskool – Reveals my personal 3-step copy conception system for consistently writing high converting promotions.
Clean Your Inner World by mindskool – Puts you through the exact 45 day mind rewiring process I created for myself to grow into the strongest version of self and manifest quantum breakthroughs in business (and life)
Clicks&Copy Consultancy – 10 sprints to 7 figures with step-by-step coaching along the way.
Happy thriving!